A fact sheet on transferring the farm business.
Gary A. Hachfeld, David B. Bau,; C. Robert Holcomb, Extension Educators, University of Minnesota Extension, 2013.
Preparing to Transfer the Farm Business: Agricultural Business Management (.pdf)
A farm business plan covers management, finance, marketing, and operations. Both the process of business planning and portions of the plan itself figure prominently in farm transfer. The business plan states the vision and goals for the farm business and influences the timetable for transfer decisions and actions.
A fact sheet on transferring the farm business.
Gary A. Hachfeld, David B. Bau,; C. Robert Holcomb, Extension Educators, University of Minnesota Extension, 2013.
Preparing to Transfer the Farm Business: Agricultural Business Management (.pdf)
A comprehensive, friendly guide for farmers everywhere; includes farm business arrangements as well as family, financial, and legal considerations.
Jeanne M. Meier and Gwen Garvey
Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
2003, 90 pages
A comprehensive series of publications, all available online; includes addressing finances, budgeting, marketing, taxes, and estate and transfer planning.
University of Minnesota
Southwest Outreach and Research Center